Speaker | Trainer | Facilitator
Have you noticed that some interpersonal communication has shifted since the Pandemic? If you'd like to explore using interactive Applied Improvisation to enhance COLLABORATION and improv TEAM DYNAMICS. I might be able to help. Contact Rebecca improvlady@gmail.com
What is Applied Improvisation?
Applied Improvisation: The same principles that help improvisers co-create scenes, stories, songs, and plays on our feet in real time aid people off stage in collaboration, communication, and co-creation. Think about your work on teams; some groups just work really, really well together. We usually attribute that group-cohesion to someone, or some thing like, "We lucked-out, we just get along." or "She's a great leader." By the same token, when a group doesn't work well together, we attribute it to chance or to individuals, "We had trouble from the start" or "He's not a good manager". The skills that make collaboration work are identifiable, learnable, and repeatable. Applied Improvisation addresses the core skills of collaboration and communication.
From conference keynote speaker to lunchtime brown-bag talk, Rebecca's presentations are lively and interactive.
Rebecca's Applied Improvistion
Partial Client List
Apple Developer Academy
Apple Distinguished Educators
Disney Feature Animation
Electronic Arts
Pixar Animation Studios
Stanford University
United States Government